Saturday, September 19, 2009


Jose and I have a goal. We want to visit all of the temples in California. In doing so, we will take pictures and start a scrapbook of all of our trips, including following visits to the same temple. So far we have gone to Los Angeles, San Diego and Redlands. We hope in the next few months to be able to take a trip to the Sacramento and Oakland Temples. This has been our favorite family goal by far! There is just something about taking time out of our hectic schedules to serve the Lord in His house that puts things into perspective. We both love going to the temple! Along with the photos in the scrapbook, we are each wrting a journal entry about our experience at the temple that day. Our hope is that we can fill multiple scrapbooks throughout our lives so that our children and our children's children will know that we love the temple and serving our Heavenly Father.

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